Kids, Let Me Tell You the Truth...

Parenting & Kids

ameeel・02 Sep 2014


Entah sudah berapa kali saya mendengar pepatah yang menyatakan bahwa kejujuran yang menyakitkan tetap lebih baik daripada kebohongan. Tapi kadang, pepatah tersebut hanya sebatas wacana. Apalagi, dalam urusan mendidik anak.

As a parent, we can’t not lie to our kids. We all do it.

We do it because their minds aren't developed enough to understand the full concept of some things.

We do it as a control mechanism.

We do it as a motivation.

We do it to shut them up :D


*foto dari sini

Here’s a list of the 6 big, fat lies we all tell our kids:

1. Everyone is beautiful

Let’s be honest with ourselves here. If everyone is beautiful, tidak akan ada kontes Miss Universe. If everyone is beautiful, siapa pun bisa jadi model Victoria's Secret. If everyone is beautiful, maka semua balita bebas nampang di cover majalah. Realitanya, kan, tidak.

Kita tahu, masyarakat memiliki standar cantik-ganteng tersendiri, dan sebagian besar dari kita—maupun anak kita—tidak masuk dalam kriteria tersebut. Tapi kita juga tahu, bahwa physical beauty isn't a prerequisite for love, or for living a good life. So, why not trying to teach that instead trying to make the 'everyone is beautiful' concept vanish, when we know it won't?

2. It's what's on the inside that matters

Yeah, right. That's what we apparently tell all the ugly kids.

Of course we'd all like to think that beauty is on the inside, but unfortunately we live in a looks-obsessed culture where one's appearance does matter. Mau membantah? Dapat salam dari #OOTD, #MOTD, dan tagar-tagar of the day lainnya di socmed.

3. You can be whatever you want to be


Temukan alasan saya di halaman selanjutnya, ya!

pinochio*foto dari sini

Dengan tinggi badan 158 cm, saya tidak mungkin jadi peragawati dan pramugari. Karena buta warna parsial, adik saya mustahil berprofesi sebagai spesialis bedah maupun penjinak bom. It's just not going to happen. Ever.

Sorry kids, but we can not be whatever we want to be. Bukan hanya butuh niat, semangat, keyakinan, dan kerja keras untuk menjadi apa yang diinginkan. It also requires a fair bit of luck, which is beyond anyone’s control.

4. If you can dream it, you can achieve it

Wrong again.

Eh, saya bukan mau mengambil peran sebagai pihak pesimis menyebalkan yang bisanya cuma mematahkan semangat, ya, hahaha. It’s just that we have to draw the line of determination from desperation. Dreams don't always come true, and that's OK. Some of the best dreams are only ever played out in our heads, and that’s where they should stay. Let’s accept that.

5. It doesn't matter if you win or lose

Ya, ya, ya. Lalu... untuk apa ada skor dalam setiap pertandingan? Untuk apa ada pencatatan Guinness World Records? Untuk apa ada gugat-gugatan hasil pilpres ke MK? :D

Cristiano Ronaldo dan Lionel Messi juga tidak mungkin mendapat nilai kontrak hingga ratusan miliar rupiah per tahun hanya untuk bersenang-senang selama bermain bola.

It does matter whether we win or lose. In sports, in business, in the workplace, in fact in every facet of human existence.

6. You should never tell lies

Well... at least not until proficient enough to get away with it :D

Saya tidak bilang bahwa sebaiknya kita stop berbohong, because some of our lies are necessary. Tapi khusus untuk 6 poin di atas, entah, ya...

Meski tujuannya baik, sepertinya bisa bersifat destruktif juga, karena membuat anak tidak peka pada internal guidance system yang telah mereka miliki—not to mention the fact that those seemingly positive phrases are the most common bullsh*t, ya :D

Kalau menurut Mommies, gimana?

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