
Mommies Daily Ask: How Much Sleep Do You Get?


Mommies Daily30 Jan 2010

Mommies Daily Ask: How Much Sleep Do You Get?

Out of curiosity, we asked the mommies in Twitter, how many hours do they sleep in total every night ever since they have babies? Here are their answers :D

@merryzit My girls have been sleeping through the night since they're 3 months old. I'm lucky indeed :)

@Jo_n_Ren I'm lucky if I can get 3 hours of sleep at night, my baby is just 7 weeks and she still wakes up during the night

@bemie I dont mind the lack of zzz at all, jadi excuse kalau disuruh tidur sama suami, tanggung bentar lagi baby mau nyusu padahal lagi asik FD --- wah thank you loh :D

@rikasari my kiddo always sleeps to morning, never awake in between. Have all my beauty sleep I need ;)

@cumink cuma 5 jam biarpun anak yang paling besar udah hampir 7 tahun :(

@myrqe 5-6 hours average, but enjoys every moment of waking up with them even it's in the middle of the night ;D

@nayzuko Zieboy 16 months old masih begadang dimasa-masa tumbuh giginya *mata seperti panda, tapi side effectnya cepat kurus :p

@ariemega I can sleep 8 hours only when i'm out of town or abroad haha

@bundatora 7-8 hrs since my twins get 2 years old :-D Not bad after all..

@dettyfadilla My son turning on 4 months, hopefully he could sleep all through the night..BIG HOPE :)

@gletitia 5-6 jam, tapi masih suka bangun malem-malem buat nyusuin, pagi-pagi mata tetep sepet. Entah kapan bisa tidur straight sampe pagi.

@rhisuka 8 hours straight since she was 2,5 months old. Lucky me :)

@kirana21 my hours of sleep can reach or even exceed 8 hours/day, but I never sleep tight again ever. I prefer 4 hours tight sleep than 8 hours cut sleep

@irrasistible Bisa tidur total 6 jam semalem aja rasanya udah heaven banget. Itupun masih diselingi midnight breastfeeding T_T

@Suyanty since my boy is still 18 months old, I only have less than 7 hours of sleep every night, really need a good sleep but its ok, get used to it:)

@melissaretha 6 bulan pertama sih amburadul tp stelah 7 bulan baby nya udh kosisten tidur dr jam 8 malem ampe 5 pagi

@nadya165 4-6hrs on & off :)

@ondeymandey Igo almost sleeps through the night, he only cries a bit and quiets down as soon as he gets his bottle. Not bad eh for a 10 month old?

@fantapink 5 hours (if lucky)

@NengKekeAsliLoh 8 hours still. I sleep when my baby sleeps :))

@litaaja I started to get more than 6 hours night sleep after the baby turned 1 year. Well, I was breastfeeding while sleeping :D

How about you, moms?

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