Easy Reupholstered Cabinet


Mommies Daily・12 Jul 2010


Decorating your home with some leftover furniture is the most satisfying yet challenging task. The key: always stick to your signature style and you’ll do great.

DIY Steps:

  • Force your family, relatives, close friends, or even neighbors to hand down a piece of furniture in mint condition. Mine is this classic Javanese cabinet.
  • Fix the holes and especially, the knob.
  • Cut its legs. All four of them, of course.
  • Paint it in your favorite color. Choose one that goes in every room. This way, when you get bored seeing it in one particular area, you can always move it around the house.
  • For better result, sandwash the edges to achieve the unfinished look.
  • Decorate with trinkets in jars and a beautiful vintage mirror (also a handed down!). Et voilà…
  • You may not to do the above project with your little one. But when you finished with the cabinet, look for trinkets and other ornament with your kids and decorate it with them so that they feel that they're part of the big project :)

    *Sent by Amesh who has a very inspiring blog http://dreamesh.blogspot.com