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Fast Growing Community
Today, parents are more united than ever,making lifestyle decisions together across the board.
Monthly Traffic
600 K
Page Views400 K
Unique Visitors97,4K
Family, Career & You!
we have 9 active whatsapp group,to more closer connect to our community
MD Community SES
MD Community SES
Our community provides a safe space to share for parents who are aware and concerned about physical and mental well being of themselves, their partners and children. A community supporting financial independence and father’s involvement in raising children. It’s where they share and lend support to each other, no judgment involved.
Meet Our Community
Age: 20 - 45
Woman 75% and Man 25%
Domicile: Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Bandung and many more
Financially Independent
Social media active user
Lifestyle up to date
What You Can Do With Us?
Our award-winning in-house team of experts knows exactly how — and where — to talk to parents. We’re creative consultants that bridge parents’ needs with the brands that make their lives better.