Tips Untuk Menghadapi GTM/Picky Eaters!

Behavior & Development

Hanzky・20 Sep 2010


Mommies Daily sering menerima pertanyaan tentang bagaimana menghadapi anak yang sedang melancarkan aksi GTM (Gerakan Tutup Mulut), atau bagaimana membuat anak yang picky eaters jadi mau mencoba makanan baru? Masalah klasik yang pasti pernah dialami semua ibu-ibu.

Beberapa waktu lalu, kita akhirnya men-tweet beberapa tips dan trick yang pernah kita lakukan...dan daripada tips berguna tersebut hilang begitu saja tertimbun tweet yang lain, sebaiknya kita kumpulkan saja di sini.

Berikut tipsnya ya.....

# Kids eating habit is erratic, one day they eat all day, another day it's nothing. Jangan hitung kalori masukk perhari, cukup hitung perminggu

# Don't give kids any snacks or juice an hour before meal time to make sure they are hungry

# Give them choice. 'You want soup with tofu or soup with carrots?' Padahal sih dari satu masakan juga :D

# New food? Build ur child's curiosity by talking about the food's color, shape, aroma, texture. Don't just say 'Enak banget lhoo Dek'

# When giving them new food: Give a small portion. Kids are willing to try if they know they don't have to eat a lot of them

# If your kids just want to eat spaghetti bolognaise, don't force them to eat fettucini, gradually change the pasta first and then the sauce, or the other way around so they still have something they are familiar with

# Kids love topping, so give them something exciting on top (Yoghurt, M&Ms, Chocolate sprinkle, etc)

#Kids also love dipping. Yoghurt, peanut butter, mayo, cheese is among the favorites.

# Let them set the menu. It's OK to eat lasagna for breakfast and eat bread w/ nutella for dinner

# Place a healthy bitesize snack (fruits, cereal) on an easy-to-reach table so they can grab it on their way around the house

# Set up a playdate w/ other kids who LOVE to eat. Your kids will likely to follow (A few other Mommies confirmed this)

#If we don't want our kids to eat something, don't buy it for ourselves at home. It's not fair for them when they see us eating it

# When everything is failing. It's okay to be sneaky and camouflage vegetables into a sauce or sneak vegs to other food

# We know it's stressful days when your kids don't want to eat anything that is served on the table. But sometimes, we worry too much too :)

# Kids eating habit won't change in a week, but the small steps we take everyday can help them achieve healthy eating in the future

Jadi intinya, jangan dibawa stress, tapi juga jangan menyerah begitu saja ya Mommies, tetap semangat bikinin makanan-makanan baru yang bergizi untuk anak-anak, because they deserve only the best :).