Mommies Daily Ask: A Date with Hubby


affi・06 Feb 2010


We all know how important it is to keep the romance alive in a marriage but when you have kids in the equation, having quality time with your husband requires advanced planning and extra boost of energy (oh those late night nursing, office task and house chores). You can't just spontaneously decide to spend the night at Puncak anymore, or go see a flick at midnight.

So last week, while I was mourning my husband-less Saturday night (he was out of town for work), I decided to ask the mommies on Twitter, when was the last time they had a proper date with their husbands? The answers successfully entertained me during that lonely night and made me realized that I'm not the only one who can't remember the last time I was properly wined and dined. Thank you, ladies, for being so honest! :D

@simikey been months since our last date! Thanks for reminding, I'll drag my hubby to a movie or dinner, soon! :)

@ksantoso77 it's been a looooong time since we had a proper date. I guess both he and I should find a time to do it

@mayveronicat since the ice age...haha

@sichemon thursday nite..we try to go out once a week :)

@nenglita gw jg ga pernah jalan berdua suami setelah ada Langit :(( kdg2 kangeeeeen...masa pacaran!

@ishtarnayyara uuuummmmmm *thinking real hard*

@kirana21 you mean just the two of us n on spec occasion? C

an't remember :'( afterall it'll only be possible in with grans

@cee_thraaa malam ini. Setelah babynya lahir mungkin masih lama bisa date lagi...

@irrasistible when I was 9-month pregnant.And now my baby's 1 year old :-/

@erycha 2 weeks ago hehehehehe *date with hubby*

@dewdeww errr....months ago..I think

@nadiasusanto I think in the middle of nov,when we were at jogja..that was just two of us :))

@lovelyfla a month ago, we're having long distance marriage for almost 3 years.

@litaaja Just now :D I have every Wednesday afternoon for movie & some Saturday for lunch elsewhere.

@simandoux this Thursday night.

@cumink after we have kids?never!it's been 6 years..whoaaa!

@sabai95 last nite :) *blush*

Alright, so if you don't have anything planned tonight, why not go out to dinner with your man or even stay at home and uhm...'cuddle' after the kids go to bed ;)

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