The Dad Manifesto

Dad's Corner

ID_Ayah ASI・12 Apr 2013


I want my kids to be able to grow up and fulfill their dreams

To do the things they are passionate about

To take on life's challenges and grow with the experience

That every major step they take is a step towards their purpose

I want my kids to appreciate religious differences

To understand that choice is the greatest gift from God to mankind

And holding on to the notion that one's freedom shall never mean another's disturbance

Because they are so comfortable with the God and the Messenger we believe in


I want my kids to change lives for the better

To do things for the sake of their impact to people

To ensure the impact brings positive transformation

Starting with the man in the mirror


I want my kids to experience an Indonesia without corruption

Where there is an equal chance for citizens to dream

Where achieving the dream means hard work and perseverance, not some authority gratification

Where public service and politics is seen as a responsibility, not an opportunity


I want my kids to be as comfortable drinking kopi tubruk in a warung as sipping overpriced espresso in a fine hotel lounge

To have a bowl streetside bubur ayam for breakfast and a fat juicy steak for dinner

To savour a simple ikan asin with warm rice and sambal or an even simpler salmon sashimi

Because they know that whatever the meal is, it's the companion and interaction that matters


I want my kids to explore all corners of this great nation we live in

To hike the cold mountains, walk barefoot on the hot sandy beaches and dive into the clear blue sea

To be able to call many places home

Because the great friendship will make them feel home anywhere


I want my kids to see the world and visit other countries

To see what the places seen on books, movies and TV look like with their own eyes

To expand their knowledge, learn the possibilities, understand the different point of views

Bringing the best of Indonesia to the world and the best of the world to Indonesia


I want my kids to get involved in sports

To push themselves to the limit and experience physical pain

To feel the joy of triumph and the bitterness of losing

To know that it doesn't always matter because everyone involved gain the workout and sweat


I want my kids to be able to express themselves

Through stories, music, visual treats or movement

Though others may not appreciate the expression

Because what matters is they pour their heart out


I want my kids to observe the fifty shades of blue

In the sky and on the waters

The green leaves and colourful flowers

To take a deep breath of the free oxygen and doze off in the breeze


I want my kids to have the freedom to do whatever they want

To do things because they are the right things to do

Without caring about others' expectations

Even those kinds that their parents write in a stupid manifesto


To Azra, Dena and Demi, go out there and conquer the world! Nicely, please.


@dondihananto - Ayah dari Azra, Dena dan Demi

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